Partnerships for Innovation

At the EMS Energy Institute our varied research refl ects the distinctive backgrounds of our faculty affiliates and supports our belief that the nation needs to diversify its energy production. Our research faculty come from several colleges within the University and look to the Institute, not only for the space and facilities we provide, but also for the opportunity to collaborate with researchers from other departments and colleges. At the EMS Energy Institute, we recognize the innovation that comes from pooling resources, which is why we focus on bringing together researchers and students from around the University.

Part of our mission is to support the research eff orts by faculty and students in order to assist in solving today’s complex energy issues. We understand that the Institute could not accomplish this mission as an isolated unit. Therefore, we work to foster relationships with the leadership, faculty, and staff in many areas around the University. In addition, these units provide support to the Institute. Below are some of the units that are working with the Institute to move energy research forward.

Department of Chemical Engineering

Department Head: Andrew Zydney
Faculty and students from the Department of Chemical Engineering conduct research and collaborate on projects within the EMS Energy Institute to develop original research.

Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering

Department Head: Karen Thole
Several faculty and students from this department are working with EMS Energy Institute researchers to develop innovative solutions to the world’s complex energy issues.

College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Dean: William E. Easterling
The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences houses the EMS Energy Institute. Faculty and students from almost every department within the College conduct research at the Institute. The College provides strong support to the Institute.

The Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering

Department Head: Yaw D. Yeboah
This department is the home department of many of our faculty affiliates. For this reason, we work very closely with the leadership, staff and faculty from this department. Our unique relationship with EME facilitates the development of collaborative projects and educational programs.

Penn State Institutes for Energy and the Environment (PSIEE)

Director: Tom Richard
As one of the Institutes for Energy and the Environment, the EMS Energy Institute maintains a strong partnership with PSIEE. In addition, the Institute and PSIEE share many of the same values and the goal to improve energy efficiency, generation and utilization.

Academic Projects Research East

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