Energy Innovation - Summer 2009
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Energy Innovation - Summer 2009

Welcome to the Summer 2009 edition of the EMS Energy Institute (EI) Newsletter. This edition showcases faculty research in several topical areas, introduces new employees, and highlights research briefs and the honors received by our students, faculty, and staff.





Remarks from the Dean

Remarks from the Dean

The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (EMS) is a world leader...

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Research Partners within Penn State

Research Partners within Penn State

The EMS Energy Institute is a research unit within the College of Earth and...

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Current Research Programs

Current Research Programs

The diverse and innovative approaches of the EMS Energy Institute’s research...

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Principal Investigators and Faculty Associates

Principal Investigators and Faculty Associates

These pages list the principal investigators and faculty associates...

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EMS Energy Institute Office Staff

EMS Energy Institute Office Staff

Cindy processes and supervises purchasing, arranges airfare and...

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Students in Research

Students in Research

The EMS Energy Institute has an array of research opportunities and internship...

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Penn State and Chevron

Penn State and Chevron

In October 2007, Penn State began a major research alliance with Chevron...

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EMS Energy Institute Sponsors National Energy Prize with ConocoPhillips

EMS Energy Institute Sponsors National Energy Prize with ConocoPhillips

In March, 2008, ConocoPhillips and Penn State partnered...

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PSIEE Incorporates Energy

PSIEE Incorporates Energy

The Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment (PSIEE) was...

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Public and Private Partnerships: DOE Consortia

Public and Private Partnerships: DOE Consortia

As part of its outreach initiatives, the Penn State EMS Energy Institute...

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The EMS Energy Institute has an office dedicated to outreach efforts within...

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EMS Energy Institute Researchers Among Most Cited in Elsevier Catalysis Journals

EMS Energy Institute Researchers Among Most Cited in Elsevier Catalysis Journals

Director of the EMS Energy Institute Dr. Chunshan Song was recently honored...

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Chunshan Song

Letter from the Director

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Contracts & Grants / Partnerships and Affiliations

Contracts & Grants / Partnerships and Affiliations

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End of Year Awards

End of Year Awards

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Summary of projects & funding

Summary of Projects & Funding

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Issue Number: 
Issue Label: 
Summer 2009

Article Index